This page is maintained by @Dimi Dimitrov
16-05-2019: A first stakeholder meeting with the cabinet of the Austrian Ministry of Culture took place.
27-02-2020:, Wikimedia Österreich and Initiative für Netzfreiheit sent a draft transposition suggestion to the Ministry of Justice on Articles 3 & 4.
20-07-2020: First consultation round by the Ministry of Justice. Civil society organisations sent in several positions.
05-12-2020: Stakeholder Meeting on Copyright Directive with the Ministry of Justice.
07-12-2020: The Ministry of Justice shares Arbeitsgruppenentwürfe zur Urheberrechts-Novelle 2021 with stakeholders for feedback (deadline 28-12-2020)
28-12-2020 Deadline for comments on the consultation Version
Joint response by, save the internet [AT] and COMMUNIA:
13-10-2021: Deadline for consutlation based on the government transposition draft.
Submission by, WMAT, GFF, Communia
Copyright Act after implementation:
Austria implementation structure
COMMUNIA blog 14-12-2020:
Austrian Article 17 proposal: The high road towards implementation?