This page is maintained by @Tarmo Toikkanen, executive director of Open Knowledge Finland non-profit.
10-05-2019/17-06-2019: The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) initiated an open stakeholder debate series organized around 6 themes. The first round's goals were to collect all viewpoints and concerns from all stakeholders.
- 10-05-2019: Kickoff event with an open call, over 100 participants.
- 16-05-2019: Theme 2 = Art 5 (educational use)
- 17-05-2019: Theme 1 = Art 3-4 (data mining)
- 23-05-2019: Theme 5 = Art 17 (platforms)
- 29-05-2019: Theme 4 = Art 15 (publisher rights)
- 16-06-2019: Theme 6 = Art 18-23 (artist and author rights)
- 17-06-2019: Theme 3 = Art 8-12 (cultural heritage)
04-06-2019: The MoEC has set up a committee to oversee the process. Its members are:
- Jorma Waldén (chair), Director, Ministry of Education and Culture
- Viveca Still, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Copyright Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture
- Tero Huttunen, Ministerial Adviser, Education, Ministry of Education and Culture
- Pekka Pulkkinen, Ministry of Justice
- Minna Aalto-Setälä, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Päivi-Maria Virta, Ministry of Transport and Communications
26-09-2019/05-12-2019: The MoEC organized the second round of stakeholder meetings in the fall of 2019. In these meetings the MoEC had some more specific information on the national level options and asked stakeholders to voice their opinions on them.
- 26-09-2019: Theme 2, education
- Sopimuslisenssijärjestelmän kehittämistarpeet (ml. yleinen sopimuslisenssi sekä ratkaisuina DSM-direktiivin 15 ja 17 artiklaan liittyen) / ~Development needs of the collective licensing scheme
Presented by vice-director Jukka-Pekka Timonen, Kopiosto ry (the central national copyright management society)
- 21-10-2019: Theme 5, platforms. Solutions for implementation of article 17 on responsibility of content-sharing service providers for content uploaded by users
- Introduction (overview of art. 17), Viveca Still, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Copyright Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture
- How should art. 17 be implemented? Stakeholder views
- Antti Kotilainen, CEO, IFPI Finland
- Marco Pancini, Director Public Policy and Government Affairs EMEA, Youtube/Google
- Probir Mehta, Head of Global Trade and IP Policy, Facebook
- 15-11-2019: Theme 4, publishers
- Presentation by Satu Kangas, Medialiitto
- 05-12-2019: Miten käyttäjien ja ei-kaupallisten toimijoiden asema tulisi huomioida DSM-direktiivin toimeenpanossa – Hur borde användares och icke-kommersiella aktörers ställning beaktas vid genomförandet av DSM-direktivet / ~ How the rights of users and non-commercial actors should be noted in the implementation of the DSM directive.
- Presentation by: Tapani Tarvainen, Electronic Frontier Finland ry
21-12-2020: Public Hearing on the transposition of Article 17 in Finland ****- online hearing organized by the Ministry for Education and Culture soliciting feedback on a proposed "blocking procedure" (see pdf)
Analysis of the proposed blocking procedure
6-10-2021: A proposal is available for public consultation. Deadline for submission of positions is the 31-10-2021.
31-10-2021: Position submitted on time. Draft collaborative notes on the position were formed in three separate consultations with GLAM, science and education stakeholders, and separately with COMMUNIA experts. All positions are in the call for positions page publicly available. There were a total of 223 positions submitted. Open Knowledge Finland's proposal is stored as a separate PDF.
A quick analysis of the positions shows that educational and glam actors were supportive in general, while rights holders were clearly negative. Many positions are from individual people and they are using verbatim the same wording, so there has clearly been active campaigning by the collective agencies. IPR University Center, which is an unbiased copyright expert office, generally agrees with the proposal.
- Changes related to articles 3 and 4 were mostly supported.
- Changes related to article 5 were mostly objected to. Collective agencies oppose the unlicensed approach to use all content for illustrative purposes and push strongly to have audiovisual works be used only under license.
14-02-2022: A public hearing, where the ministry informs the public that the bill has been drastically altered. Essentially the main focus is to ensure rights holders privileges and to remove any national renewals from the bill, implementing only the bare minimum required by the DSM directive. Finnish PDF highlighting the changes. No bill is presented, and no further commenting round is provided. The bill will be published when it is presented to the parliament for ratification.