This page is maintained by @Paul Keller
25-10-2019: The Parliament adopts LOI n° 2019-775 du 24 juillet 2019 tendant à créer un droit voisin au profit des agences de presse et des éditeurs de presse", which adds a new chapter (Chapter VIII) to the Code de la propriété intellectuelle, that implements Article 15 of the CDSM Directive into French Law.
05-12-2019: The Ministry publishes a proposal for the law on audiovisual communication and cultural sovereignty in the digital era ("Projet de loi relatif à la communication audiovisuelle et à la souveraineté culturelle à l’ère numérique"), which includes two provisions, article 16 and 17 (highlighted in yellow in the pdf below), that implement Article 17 of the CDSM directive into French Law.
Original draft (French)
Unofficial translation (English)
Draft French implementation bill of article 17 - EN version.pdf
Week of 02-03-2020: First reading of the law on audiovisual communication and cultural sovereignty in the digital era in the cult Committee of the French parliament. The law is adopted in first reading and forwarded to the discussion in the plenary. Most of the amendments tabled (see: Art 17 🇫🇷: Amendments in first reading - analysis) are rejected (or not defended), which means that the proposal is not substantially modified.
06-05-2020: The Minister of Culture announces the intention of the government to complete the implementation of the law on audiovisual communication and cultural sovereignty in the digital era before the end of the year (the handling of the law in parliament is currently on hold due to the 🦠)
01-07-2020: Plans emerge that the Government would try to pass the implementation of Article 17 via an administrative decree as part of a law that implements various EU directive (Ddadue law) to speed up adoption (and sidestepping substantial discussion in Parliament). According to NEXT imapct the document circulated the following document to members of the CULT committee. In terms of substance the proposal is identical to the the version of early march (it includes the amendments adopted by the CULT committee):
08-07-2020: First reading of the Ddadue law the French Senate which includes an amendment proposed by the government that would grant the Government the power to implement the provisions of the Copyright directive by way of ordonnance (Amendment 23). The amendment is unanimously supported and the law is approved. (In the adopted text article 24bis is the one authorizing the government to implement the CDSM directive). The law is forwarded to the Assemblee Nationale for adoption.
09-09-2020: reading in the Commission des affaires culturelles et de l'éducation de la Assemblee Nationale. The Government defends the approach to implement the provisions of the directive by decree, and advises against any substantial amendments (including an amendment which would have required the government to implement the directive "as faithfull as possible" and amendments to remove the implementation of the DSM directive from the larger law). All substantial amendments are rejected, the proposal remains essentially unchanged (official notes of the reading here).
16-09-2020: reading of the ddadue law in the commission des finances, de l'économie générale et du contrôle budgétaire de la Assemblee Nationale. This reading does not touch on the provisions implementing the DSM directive. The proposal proceeds to plenary reading (scheduled for 7-9 October 2020)
07-10-2020: Reading of the DDADUE law in the plenary of the National Assembly. The law is adopted with 56 out of 57 with one abstention. (the national assembly operates with 1/10th of the MPs as a COVID countermeasure) votes without any substantial modifications.
08-10-2020: The minister president installs a joint commission charged with reconciling the versions adopted by the Senate and the NA ("commission mixte paritaire chargée de proposer un texte commun sur les dispositions")
22-10 11-2020 - Second reading of the combined text in the NA
10-17 11-2020 - Second reading of the combined text in the Senate
18-11-2020 - Final adoption of the law in the National Assembly (159 in favor 14 against)
04-12-2020 - The DDADUE law is published in the official journal as LOI n° 2020-1508 du 3 décembre 2020 portant diverses dispositions d'adaptation au droit de l'Union européenne en matière économique et financière. The article dealing with the implementation of the DSM directive provisions has been renumbered from 24bis to Article 34. The government now has to implement article 17-23 by 3 June 2021 and the rest by 3 December 2021 (or 7 June 2021 if it wants to respect the implementation deadline from the directive)
<aside> ⬆️ A full overview of the entire legislative process for the Ddadue law can be found on the website of the National Assembly (in French):
12-05-2021: The French ministry of Culture publishes Ordonnance n° 2021-580 du 12 mai 2021 portant transposition du 6 de l'article 2 et des articles 17 à 23 de la directive 2019/790 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 17 avril 2019 sur le droit d'auteur et les droits voisins dans le marché unique numérique et modifiant les directives 96/9/CE et 2001/29/CE which implements articles 17 and 18-23 of the CDSM directive into French law by amending the code de la propriété intellectuelle. The new provisions will enter into force on 7 June 2021.
30-06-2021: Next impact publishes the drafts of the implementation decree for the remaining provisions of the DSM directive into French law and a draft explanatory memorandum. The ordinance implements the exceptions (3, 4, 5 and 6), the provisions on OOCW (8-11) and the provision on general ECL (12). It also identifies three potential uses for ECL:
Licenses for educational uses (that would override the new education exception)
Licensing Visual Artworks to OCSSPs
Updating the provisions of the re-lire project that was stuck down by the CJEU in the Doke-Soulier case
20-10-2021 Décret n° 2021-1369 du 20 octobre 2021 portant modification du code de la propriété intellectuelle et relatif à certains fournisseurs de services de partage de contenus en ligne. New Decree specifying the modalities of how to determine the "significant amounts of works" criterion from the definition of OCSSPs. This Decree gives the MCC the ability to specify thresholds for the amounts of users and amounts of works uploaded.