This page is maintained by @Paul Keller
6-09-2019: Wikimedia Deutschland publishes its general position on the transposition of the CDSM Directive.
15-01-2020: the Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz (BMJV) (Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection) published a discussion draft ("Diskussionsentwurf") of an implementation law proposal ("Entwurf eines Ersten Gesetzes zur Anpassung des Urheberrechts an die Erfordernisse des digitalen Binnenmarkts") covering Articles 3-7, 15 and 16 of the CDSM directive, and opened it for comments (by the 31st of January).
Original draft (German)
Unofficial English translation (partial)
31-01-2020: Deadline for submitting comments.
Key Submissions (all submissions are available on the BMJV website):
01-04-2020: the BMJV published (and then subsequently deleted on 03-04-2020 after Julia Reda tweeted about it) a ministerial draft ("Referentenentwurf") of an implementation law proposal, covering Articles 3-7, 15 and 16 of the CDSM directive.
24-06-2020: the BMJV publishes the second discussion draft dealing with the remaing parts of the directive (article 17, article 14, article 12, articles 8-11 and 18ff) open for consultation until 31-07-2020:
DiskE_II_Anpassung Urheberrecht_digitaler_Binnenmarkt.pdf
English translation of the part dealing with Article 17
DiskE_II_Anpassung Urheberrecht_digitaler_Binnenmarkt_englischeInfo.pdf
English Language analysis of the implementation of Articles 8-11, 12 and 14 (by Paul Keller):
Analysis of the provisions for cultural heritage institutions in the German discussion draft
31-07-2020: Deadline for submitting comments (all submissions have been published here)
C4C Comments on German DCDSM Art. 17 Implementation Proposal July 2020-final.pdf
07-10-2020: leaks a "Referentenentwurf" of a combined implementation law that is dated 2 September. This version has been criculating for about two weeks.
09-10-2020: Reactions from the other Ministries involved in the legislative process outlining their positions (concerns) in response to the Ref-E:
13-10-2020: the BMJV publishes a consolidated Referntenentwurf that contains all elements of the DSM directive on its website ("Gesetz zur Anpassung des Urheberrechts an die Erfordernisse des digitalen Binnenmarktes"). The deadline for providing feedback is 6 november 2020.
16-10-2020: The BMVJ publishes a flowchart depicting the German implementation of Article 17 (titeled "Öffentliche Wiedergabe und Vergütungen" "Communication to the public and remuneration").
12-11-2020: Letter witten by VUT (the pdf is authored by Laureen Kornemann, head of communications at VUT) signed by 500+ (supposedly send to all involved ministries):
24-11-2020: A new internal version of the Referentenentwurf leaks that is date 23-10-2020. This version contains significant changes to the pervious version (including the removal of the minor uses exception that is folded into a new construction that covers uses that are "presumed to be legitimate". This version seems to be a rewrite done by the BMJV mainly in response to the criticism received from the CDU lead ministries in the weeks prior:
02-11-2020: Letters from associations of German and European rightholders to the Ministries emerge:
6-11-2020: Wikimedia Deutschland publishes its position on the implementation draft law.
25-01-2021: A new version of the text emerges (main changes: adjustment of the de minimus thresholds, the introduction of a the ability for "trusted rightholders" to override the ex-ante mechanism, some modifications of the wording of the parody and pastiche exception). This seems to be the version that is on the agenda of the Cabinet later in the week
26-01-2021 The discussion of the implementation law is removed from the agenda of the Cabinet meeting on the next day. This last minute removal, that comes after a background briefing to the media is highly unusual. It is reportedly dur to pressure by the press publishers (who are demanding a special position with regards to the minimus rules in Art 17) on the new CDU leadership.
03-02-2021: The German government approves the implementation proposal (the text remains unchanged) which clears the way for it to be discussed both chambers of Parliament.
10-02-2021: The BMJV publishes a FAQ with a flowchart, the english translation of the Article 17 part of implementation proposal and an english translation of the FAQ on its website.