This page is maintained by @Teresa Nobre
2020.03.22: Latvian Working Group in Implementation still going. Expecting a draft legislation soon. Wikimedia and Communia are asking to be included.
2020.03.26: The Latvian Working Group on implementation went over the texts of the Directive itself and exchanged first views. No concrete text proposals yet.
2022.03.09: Ministry of Culture releases proposal to implement the DSM Directive (22-TA-585) and impact assessment report.
2022.03.09-2023.03.23: Public consultation on the government draft law. 12 public submissions.
2022.11.23: Government sends draft law to the Parliament.
2023.01.12: First reading in the Parliament.
2023.03.02: Second reading in the Parliament.
2023.03.23: Third reading in the Parliament. Parliament adopts the law that implements the DSM Directive.
2023.04.04: Publication of the law that implements the DSM Directive. Official publication No.: 2023/67.2
2023.04.05: Entry into force of the law that amends the Copyright Act and implements the DSM Directive.
Latvia implementation structure